Read my brooch

broochPeople often mention the importance of body language in communication. I find it interesting how body language varies around the world. A gesture may be perfectly polite in one county but deeply offensive in another. That’s why I was interested to see this article an learn that sometimes, something as simple as jewelery can be used to send a hidden message.

There is lot of really interesting vocabulary in this article, too. The first is the expression ‘Read my lips‘. This quite a rude way to tell someone to ‘pay close attention‘ to something you are about to say.  There is an other interesting expression in this paragraph where the author mentions the ‘state of play‘ meaning the current situation.

There are two more words in this paragraph I would like to look at. The first is ‘brooch‘. A ‘brooch‘ is a piece of jewelery you pin to your clothes like a badge. The other word is ‘lapel‘. This is the folded-back piece of material on the front of a jacket. Have a look at the picture with the original article to see a ‘brooch’ pinned to a person’s ‘lapel’.

The next paragraph is full of interesting words, too. The first to catch my eye was ‘fad‘. A ‘fad‘ is a style or activity which people only find interesting for a certain period of time. Later in this paragraph, the author mentions a ‘flea market’ this is a market where you can buy second-hand (used) items very cheaply.

There is also some interesting vocabulary in the final paragraph where the author uses the phrase:

but her brooch idea has already broached the Labour stronghold

In this situation ‘broached‘ means  to enter into and the ‘Labour stronghold‘ means the closely-protected  group of people that form the Labour party.

Do you have any clothes you use to convey a particular message?

Today’s photo is by Romina Chamorro.