Expand your vocabulary: Label your photos in English

Do you enjoy photography? If so, here’s a great way to expand your vocabulary and have fun at the same time.

Collect together some of your old photos and try to describe them in detail in English. Think about all the objects in the photo. Do you know what they are all called in English? How many adjectives can you think of to describe the photo?

Try and tell the story of what’s happening in the photo in English. Write it on some paper underneath the photo.

If you are a member of a photo-sharing site like Flickr or Picassa, use the comments section and labelling features to add your notes in English.


For example: This photo was taken on a beach near my house. The sky is blue and there are no clouds. The sea is calm and it looks like it is low tide. The sand is white and it looks like it would be very hot to walk on.

There is a man sleeping underneath the tree so it must be a really hot day. The tree in the photo looks a little lonely standing there all by itself. It’s a strange shape, too. Maybe it has been clipped so that it doesn’t obscure the view of the ocean.

Using an image to practise vocabulary will help you remember because it puts the vocabulary in context and the image helps your brain remember. It’s fine to use other people’s photos if you want but using your own is more fun and reliving your own happy memories will help you remember the new vocabulary.