Give chase – Driving expressions

police lightMost guys have imagined what it would be like to be a secret agent at some point in their lives. The man in this article seems to have taken things a bit too far, though!

There were some interesting driving-related expressions in the article, too. The first is ‘raced past‘. This means to move past someone very quickly.

The next pieces of vocabulary to catch my eye were the phrasal verb pull over and the expression to run a red light, both of which we have already seen before on the World of Words.

It’s also mentioned that the police ‘gave chase‘. This is a nice, natural way of saying that they started to chase the vehicle.

There’s another interesting expression when the police refer to the speeding driver as a “would-be ‘Mr Bond'”, meaning that he is trying to be like James Bond.

The last word I would like to look at is ‘sortie‘. A ‘sortie‘ is an outing so when the author refers to the driver’s ‘nightime sortie’ he just means a trip somewhere at night.

Today’s image is by Elvis Santana.